40GB: abit pr5

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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I have an abit pr5 mb with the following data:
10-4-96 i430 vx ali5123-2A59GA1AL-OT
award version 1.0A
I need support for a 40GB HD
Can someone supply me with the latest bios version and a suitable flash program?
ps: support for this MB is not available at the abit website
The UniFlasher
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Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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Thank you so much for your VERY SWIFT reply :D :D
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One last question please.
I have copied the uniflash program and the bios update for the pr 5 to 2 separate floppies.
What is the exact procedure to udate the bios?
BIOS Bodhisattva
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Check the "Collected wisdom" for posts on step-by-step guides to flashing.
Tested patched BIOSes. Untested patched BIOSes.
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Nick, thank you!
I will proceed as advised.
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I have flashed succesfully with the upgrade as posted on the bios page, and my hd is still not found. I have used the "powermax 4.09" program to test my drive. It passed every test except the bios extention test. I even tried to enter the data manually as provided by maxtor (heads, cyl, etc) but to no avail. Maxtor suggests to request an upgrade from the mb manufacturer, but this board is not listed. The 2nd suggestion was to install a pci controller card, but that is a rather expensive solution.
Do you see other possibilities?
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An upgrade from the manufacturer would basically be doing what you have already done by updating your BIOS, except that the upgrade did not come from the manufacturer. But if it is on the tested list it should basically achieve the same thing as far as HDD support goes.

I think the drive might be jumpered in a way that the BIOS does not see it, so experiment with these. Also make sure the cable is correctly aligned to pin 1 at each end of the connection.

Also, your drive may have a jumper that limits the drive's capacity to 32GB, but since you can currently not detect at all, I am not sure this is the problem.
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I cleared the cmos and now it works fine. Although I do not really understand the process, I am happy that it is working :D
Thank you for trying to help
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