Video, SCSI, modem, CDROM/CDR/CDRW, etc.
Posts: 1914
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:07 pm
Location: Germany

ALL LAPTOP USERS READ THIS : Currently there is NO WAY to support widescreen without rendering your main LCD useless (it will just stay black and won't display anything at all). If you don't care about your main LCD open a new thread and ask for a patched bios. Otherwise use Linux which supports widescreen without the need of a special video bios version. Or if you don't want to use Linux: don't buy a widescreen LCD!

WARNING : With a bios patched for widescreen you will not be able to use: DVI, TV-OUT or (on laptops) LCD. The video bios is missing support for those ports/devices and there's nothing we can currently do about that!

A patched bios with a recent SIS video bios fixes issues with widescreen resolutions like 1440x900 or 1680x1050 (Official SIS FAQ regarding this issue).

Follow these steps:
1. Install the .inf file for your monitor
2. Install the latest SIS VGA driver

AGP(GART) driver (1.21, ~3.5MB)
needed for ALL (!!!) SIS chipsets w/ and w/o integrated VGA

SIS630/730 (UniVGA 2.09, ~43MB):
-> Sadly no widescreen support for these VGA chipsets in Windows

SIS65x/740 (UniVGA3 3.73, ~16MB):

SIS66x/76x & 67x/741 (UniVGA3 3.93, ~18MB)
Windows Vista:
SIS67x/771 (UniVGA5 5.25, ~15MB)
->The driver below might also work on Windows Vista

Windows 7:
SIS67x/771 (UniVGA5 5.29, ~15MB)

if your problems still persists:
3. check if there's a patched bios available on our << download page >>.
ATTENTION! : Make sure you properly identified your motherboard; a patched Bios for a wrong board (or motherboard revision) may render your board unuseable !! You need to know your motherboard manufacturer, motherboard name or model number and sometimes the motherboard revision number. Make also sure you don't try to flash a patched retail Bios onto an OEM version of this board and vice versa. If you're not sure about your motherboard please ask in the Forum !

4. If there's no patched bios for your mainboard: request one in the forum! MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE A DIRECT LINK TO YOUR MAINBOARD BIOS.

Internal revision notes:
EDIT: Added updated drivers. Changed links to the drivers since SIS added some more checks to their download site. Added link to AGP(GART) driver cp
EDIT: Changed 650/740 to 65x/740 (650, 650GL and 651 with VGA); changed 66x/76x & 67x to 66x/76x & 67x/741 as 741 also uses Mirage/Xabre VGA core (older 740 uses 315 VGA core) Denniss
EDIT: Added Windows Vista drivers for SIS Mirage 3 cores 67x/67xFX and 771 cp
EDIT: New UniVGA3 driver. Version 3.84 cp
EDIT: Added warning to properly idenify the board before trying/requestiong a patched Bios. uvga5 5.12 (uvga5 5.13 and uvga3 3.85 are listed at SIS but download broken) Denniss
EDIT: Expanded warning about properly identifying the motherboard Denniss
EDIT: Increased text font for download page link - too many users are not able to read or are not wearing their glasses .....Denniss
EDIT 27 June 2011: Downloads moved to new server - links fixed and updated Denniss
EDIT 26 october 2011: download page link fixedEdwin
Last edited by cp on Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:41 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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The driver 3.83 installs on
SIS650/740 (~16MB):
but you need to change ini file for setup. And may be inf file also.
Posts: 1914
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:07 pm
Location: Germany

true. i already knew that but still...not all users will be able to correctly (if even at all) apply the changes needed to install the driver AND (more important) the 3D part of the IGP might not work correctly or at all. thus i can not recommend patching and installing newer drivers than recommended by SiS.
If you email me include [WIMSBIOS] in the subject.
The Hardware Archivist
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Joined: Wed Mar 20, 2002 7:11 pm
Location: Netherlands

The reason is that all available video bioses recent enough to support widescreen resolutions are not initializing the video bridge chips SIS301/SIS302 that provide support for DVI or TV-OUT.
If anyone out there has a laptop with SiS chipset and is capable of doing TV-out/DVI AND widescreen, would it be possible to use that video bios universally then?

Do not assume anything

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