older bios upgrade

Is your memory not fully recognized? (Intel VX chipset Memory recognition)
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I have an old 333mhz comp. It has an Ambit bx20 mother board with an intel i440 bx/zx- w83977 chipset with award bios ver 4.51pg.The problem I have is something has been removed from the bios and on boot up it will not go to the desk top, it says "the cpu is unworkable or has been changed. I have to hit f1 every time to get to the desk top. I would like to repair this and if possible upgrade so I can add more memory. I have already removed the cmos battery and restarted but it still does the same thing. I would appreciate any help to find where I could obtain this upgrade for free because if I have to buy another chip, I think I will opt for another mother board. I have newer computers but I still would like to repair this one. Thank You
The Hardware Archivist
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replace the bios battery with a brand new fresh one, it sounds like the bios is not keeping its settings. 440BX chipset board can handle 256MB low-density SDRAM per slot maximum with a total maximum of 768MB, a newer bios is not going to change that.

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