need help upgrading my P4

Don't ask how to over-clock.
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hi i'm wanting to Upgrade my Pentuim 4 2.4ghz to a 2.8ghz or higher.

i know i need to update my Bios but i can't find the updates
my Mother board is a Gigabyte GA81-R but it's not listed on Gigabytes site.
the Bios string is
04/24/2002 i845 6a69VGoic-00

do i need to change the bus speed before changing CPU's?? or should it be a straight swap over??

i did try once but i think i fried the new 2.8ghz CPU
but my Old 2.4Ghz still works fine
The Hardware Archivist
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that board has 400MHz FSB only. Fastest 400MHz FSB CPU is 2.6GHz, the speed increase you will see is only marginal. Time for a complete system upgrade.

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edwin wrote:that board has 400MHz FSB only. Fastest 400MHz FSB CPU is 2.6GHz, the speed increase you will see is only marginal. Time for a complete system upgrade.
Cheers for that :lol: looks like i'm shopping for a new mother board then :lol:
you can be sure i'll have more questions :roll:
The Hardware Archivist
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no problem there. if you're on a budget go AMD or Intel socket1156 i3, get a board from a reputable maker with everything onboard. It is likely to be better than what you had in your system anyway. You will need new memory and maybe a new optical drive since most board these days only have one IDE connector left, the rest is SATA, seeing you have an early non-SATA P4 board, I think everything is still IDE in your system...

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