Biostar, Need large hard drive patch

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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Matt The Cat
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I want to make sure I don't ruin my 1999 PC,
I got a 250 GB hard drive, I would like to use the max amount possible, but the current bios has the 64 GB limit error, so I am hoping to at least be able to use 128 GB, (ignore the hard drive size being oversized, I might get one that is 100GB).
But anyway, I need a patch/and or upgrade bin files for my bios to allow it to use 128GB hard drive, I don't want to ruin the computer, and after searching, I cannot find a patch for this version, and I don't know what I need to upgrade to. The current information is:

Biostar M6TBA
Full Bios ID: 05/31/1999-i440BX-SMC60X-2A69KB0CC-00
Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
Also, is it okay that I use award flash 8.99?
Last edited by Matt The Cat on Sat May 29, 2021 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Matt The Cat
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"If your problem is capacity, post the HDD capacity you need, followed by your make & model or BIOS id string"
Sorry for reading the rules late, but again, using the information already provided, would it be possible to make a special bios patch that supports 250GB hard drives?
This is a custom computer from 1999, so model information isn't present, but encase you need it in the special format:
This is the bios I need the special patch EMAILED for:

250GB: 05/31/1999-i440BX-SMC60X-2A69KB0CC-00

^^Sorry for the repeats, but, only if such a patch is impossible, then I would like a patch that is at least the max possible. Thank you ever so much for reading my rambles, and I am sorry for any trouble I have caused.
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Matt The Cat wrote:
Sat May 29, 2021 8:05 pm
"If your problem is capacity, post the HDD capacity you need, followed by your make & model or BIOS id string"
Sorry for reading the rules late, but again, using the information already provided by employee monitoring software, would it be possible to make a special bios patch that supports 250GB hard drives?
This is a custom computer from 1999, so model information isn't present, but encase you need it in the special format:
This is the bios I need the special patch EMAILED for:

250GB: 05/31/1999-i440BX-SMC60X-2A69KB0CC-00

^^Sorry for the repeats, but, only if such a patch is impossible, then I would like a patch that is at least the max possible. Thank you ever so much for reading my rambles, and I am sorry for any trouble I have caused.
Agree with Matt
It`s impossible
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