BIG shutdown problems MS-6191

APM/ACPI BIOS questions
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At first I had the problem that the "You can turn off the Computer now" screen showed up when I used the Windows XP shutdown-button, so i used a tool called shutdownking, which worked pretty well and solved the problem. Then i wanted my Power-Button on the Computer-case to shut down the computer the same way, the options in the XP-energymanagement simply were not where they used to be, and so i took a look at my bios. The available options there were "suspend" which simply cut power after pressing the button for a few seconds or "On/Off" which cut the power immiedietly, but no controled shutdown, so I flashed my ami-bios to V1.6 (got it from the msi-page), with the hope that there would be more options available. after that the shutdownking just reboots the system when i press shutdown, windows stays by the same "turn off the computer now"-screen, and the case-button just does the same as before. Is there any possibility to get a pure shutdown&poweroff through windows and the case-button?

PS.: if not, please tell me where i can find older ami-bios-version which fit my board, maybe then at least the shutdownking would do his again.
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While I am an old dude, I am kind of new at this, but thought I'd give it a shot.

I've loaded Win XP Pro on system with two new, different motherboards and have the same problem.
The first system was an Epox EP-8K3A+ motherboard, AMD XP-2200, 512MB DDR RAM, 450 Watt Power Supply. When I shut down Windows it just gave me the message.... "You can Turn off Your Computer Now", and I have to hold the button 4 seconds to shut it down. Also, the board came with a 2002 BIOS that only supported up to XP-2000, so I flashed it to the newsest BIOS, hoping that would solve the shut down problem, as well as handle the speedier CPU. With the new BIOS it took care of the faster CPU problem, but the message about shutting down the computer remains.
The second system is a newer board, the ECS K7VTA3 motherboard, same CPU, Memory, etc.
I reinstalled XP Pro, new installation, and this board does the same thing.

Can anybody tell me what I might be doing wrong here?
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Well heres a short story.
I have a nice running system.
I have used windows thru 95 to 2003 server.
Every one of them along the line have started to reboot or hang when I wanted it to shutdown.
Even windows memphis and millenium betas!
I suspect it is a APM issue, however, it only occurs after serious OS patching and program installing.
My point: It may well be windows; try a fresh clean install.
BTW I recommend trying your failsafe bios auto configuration option because then you can optimize on a set and boot up and down 1 at a time until you find out if it IS APM.
Such huge landfill new tech costs when all we need is scaleability.
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