Power Problems

APM/ACPI BIOS questions
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My PC will not power up after it has been shut using the OS (Win98se) or with the power button. If I just do a restart, no problem. It will only power up the hard drive and CD-ROM drive and I never get any video. I have to remove the CMOS battery for about 5 minutes before it will repsond to the power buton again and boot up with a video screen, so I have to stop it and reset all the bios settings, it reboots and all is well until I shut it down. What could be the problem?
My bios info:
BIOS Date: 12/21/00
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 12/21/2000-MVP3-596-W877-2A5LEPAEC-00
OEM Sign-On: 12/21/2000 For Apollo MVP3 AGP/PCIset
Chipset: VIA 82C597 rev 4
Superio: Winbond 877TF (use 87h) rev 0 found at port 3F0h
OS: Microsoft Windows 98 SE Version: 4.10.2222 A
CPU Type: 6x86MX
The Hardware Archivist
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new CMOS battery

and check for leaky capacitors.

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edwin wrote:new CMOS battery

and check for leaky capacitors.
8O I replaced the CMOS battery, but there was no change in the problem. It still will not completely bootup after being shut down. Are you talking about the capacitors on the motherboard?
The Hardware Archivist
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Yes I am, some board have trouble in that section and your symptoms sound just like that.

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:? What is the easiest way to check which capacitor is leaking?
Master Flasher
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In most cases the leaking capacitors can be identified simply by looking at them (lots of photos can be found here.)
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Hi there, I found a good article on how to Replace the blown capacitors on your motherboard yourself looks pretty easy if you have some replacement caps.
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