I am currently using a pc 100 m726 motherboard with 256 megs sdram
bios 610272 001437 00111111 071595 v3.3 5123h, agp winfast(R) geforce
mx64 graphics card and a flyvideo tv/tunner card version5.71. When shutting down or restarting pc will hang with windows is shutting screen and will not come out of standby and screensave also will not operate. Have installed windows shutdown update but with no real effect. I am currently running windows 98 secound edition. Do I need a bois update or are there other option to try. Please Help
standby and restart problems
I had to reinstall Windows to fix this on my PC-Chips M577 with W95 OSR2. It's very annoying.
Tested patched BIOSes. Untested patched BIOSes.
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