the first pad in each row is connected to +5V, the last pad in each row is connected to GND and the pads in the middle are connected to the pll. the matrix - showing the factory default - looks like this :
Code: Select all
r is a 10k resistor
* is a pad
- is a trace
| |
v v
4 *r*--* *
3 * *--*r*
2 * *--*r*
1 *r*--* *
the cool thing is: the config pins have internal pull-up resistors which means that if you don't connect the middle pad anywhere the result will be a 1. very good for the lazy ones around :)
okay, after some fiddling around with the resistors here is the table so far:
Code: Select all
1 means pulled up so either connected to +5V via 10k or unconnected
0 means pulled down to GND via 10k
1 2 3 4 FSB
0 0 0 0 90
0 0 1 0 66
0 1 1 0 100
1 0 0 1 66
0 0 1 1 75
1 0 1 1 95
currently my board is running a celeron coppermine 733@1100 with a 100 MHz FSB. much better than the original 733/66 setup :)