I have big problems to ID my Motherboard

I be happe when I found this side and one ID number who be almoust my.
This number here is "JA6LM C0 CC - 00" and this say me is of Matsonic.
On board is also the same Chipset Via KT-133. (MS8117C)
But......this mainboard have 5 Pci and 3 or 4 SD-Ram slots.
My Board just have 3 PCI and 2 SD-Ram slots.
I try it, to flash with the bios of matsonic board MS8117C and .... it be the false one......

By the way..... this System is of Packard Bell
900 MHZ AMD Athlon T.-Bird
100 FSB
64 MB SD-Ram
20 GB Harddisk (samsung)
ATI Rage 128 xpert 2000 pro ( 32MB ) Grafikcard
Award Bios
48x CD-Rom dirve
This be 2 jears ago standart konfiguration.
I hope one of you all have some Idea.....