I am attempting to flash the bios on my luckystar 6ALX2 jumperless mainboard and it hangs up while trying to save the old bios. the only thing I can think of that would cause this is that the eprom has a protect jumper, however I cant seem to find a manual for the mainboard to locate the jumper. I do have the latest bios and all the utilities needed to do it but now I need the manual or info on where this jumper may be located. any help would be greatly appreciated.
current string is 12/31/99 - i444lx-jumperless 2A69JL1AC-00
I have the flash 9JD8A.bin
luckystar 6AXL2
Try older Awdflash (7.xx) or UniFlash.
Manual: ftp://ftp.aditon.ru/Motherboard/Doc/6alx2l.exe
Manual: ftp://ftp.aditon.ru/Motherboard/Doc/6alx2l.exe
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
thanks for the manual location and the tip on using the older version of awdflash, that worked. it's greatly appreciated. now the only problem is that the mainboard wont recognise the bios and wont enter it. is it possible that there is another manufacturer that made a board with the same ID.
the motherboard is marked as 6ALX2 REV:1.3
the string is 12/31/97-i444lx-jumperless 2a69jl1ac-00
Award modular BIOS V4.51pg
it OEM id comes up as #Y6-001
all the searches I have done have indicated it was a lucky star but apparently the bios they suppy doesnt go with that particular board.
thanks again
the motherboard is marked as 6ALX2 REV:1.3
the string is 12/31/97-i444lx-jumperless 2a69jl1ac-00
Award modular BIOS V4.51pg
it OEM id comes up as #Y6-001
all the searches I have done have indicated it was a lucky star but apparently the bios they suppy doesnt go with that particular board.
thanks again