Dead AWARD mobo

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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<skip if you don't need to know why I broke it>

OK, I was being a fool and trying to tweak the boot graphic to get rid of the abnoxious redfox logo that my mobo came with. I finally found a faq, and after reading it, and about 20 others, I decided I could handle it.

I couldn't


After flashing my bios, my PC gave me a series of bad sounding beeps which led me to believe the flash failed. I pulled out my trusy ISA Graphics card, popped it in, and pulled out all my other hardware. I found out about some bios boot thingy 1.0 . It was nice to see my PC again.

It seems to want to boot from a floppy, so I created a bootable dos 6.22 floppy with just my bios bin file and UNIflash on it. I set up an autoexec.bat file that would automagically reflash my bios, as per reccomended in the uniflash doc file. When I booted the first time, it said starting MS-DOS, then it just kept spinning the disk but doing no reads or writes. The next time, it said insert a valid system disk and when I checked my boot disk in another PC, the disk had been corrupted. I repeated these steps about 10 times with ever dos version I could find from 3.3 to the one win winme.

ANY help would be appreciated. I'm not brave enough to try the hot flash yet.

(I hope that's enough info)
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Tried with AWDFLASH instead of uniflash?
Flash your BIOS at your own risk.
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turned out that the floppy drive-fdcontroller pairing wasn't happy. swapped out my floppy drive for a crappy 2.88 mb mitsumi one that I could never get to work and it worked after like 6 tries. I'll never understand that.

The Hardware Archivist
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next time, use a NEW floppy disk for things like this...
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