The checksum error suggests one of the following:
1. The flash process was interrupted before completion.
2. The flash chip is faulty.
3. There is a problem with the chipset/RAM/processor.
4. You had a virus which corrupted the BIOS.
If you sucessfully finished flashing the wrong BIOS there should not be a checksum errror; often the motherboard is dead, sometimes it just doesn't boot from any drive.
The "bootblock" section of the Award BIOS should allow you to boot from diskette.
Your problem:
bios rom checksum error
detecting floppy drive a media...
insert system disk and press enter_
Scenario 1:
You insert a diskette, press enter and it reads the diskette.
Create a bootable diskette with the Award flash program, the BIOS file and an autoexec.bat with one line which says:
awdflash filename /sn /py /cc /cd /ce", where
awdflash is the name of the award flasher (e.g. awdfl812.exe) and
filename is the name of the BIOS image file. No config.sys should be present on the diskette. Remember to leave several minutes after the diskette stops loading for the flash to take place.
Scenario 2:
You insert a diskette, press enter and the diskette drive lights up briefly but the diskette is not read
Sometimes the bootblock was not correctly configured for the I/O. In this case you could try using an ISA multi-I/O card to connect the diskette drive.
If this does not work, consider
hot-flash or getting your BIOS ROM re-programmed or replaced.