Toshiba Tecra 8100 No boot

Don't ask how to hack password. (BIOS Passwords)
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Ok, I have the above laptop.

When I power it up the only thing that happens is the the power light iluminates, the HD light comes on for 1second, then nothing. The screen is blank, the keyboard is dead, and no activity any drive.

I assume that the bios has fried. Does anyone know how to reset the bios manually. Like the bios reset jumpers on a desktop motherboard.

Chip off the ol' block
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Look for a pin hole on the side or the bottom of the laptop, if you stick something thin in there that will usually reset CMOS.

Try and press the power on buttin and hold it for 5 seconds, does that turn off the system? If it does then the system is at least responding..

If it does not power off the system then you have bigger hardware issues.

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Cheers, but I tried that.

The reset, that I think you mean, does not reset the bios to a default. It just flushes RAM etc and restarts the lappy. Unless there is another hidden reset.....

I think, I am looking for something more heavy handed, like a jumper inside or a CMOS battery to remove, to flush the CMOS. (Maybe even a hammer!!!)

Just incase this helps anyone else:-
I out found that these lappies get stuck in RESUME mode. This can be sorted by holding BkSp key while powering the machine. Sadly this was not my problem :(

Also, I found out that one can force a Floppy or CD boot by holding F12 and powering up the machine. In my case the screen actually showed some life, but nothing more happened.

Any more ideas are most weclome. :)
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