Hi NickS,
Sorry - the BIOS ID I listed was what I anticipate it to be having searched the 'net high and low for info on what my BIOS *should* be - given I'm sat at work 100 miles from my PC(!).
The Abit LX6 manual gives example on how to flash a new bios, so presuming:
1. the BIOS version is that which I suggested above;
2. I get to grips with the method in the motherboard manual for flashing a new BIOS
would you reckon Rainbow's update will see me clear? (All I need is support for 20Gb).
So saying, maybe I should just buy the HD, plug it in and see what happens, and take it from there?
What I intended my original question to be was basically, would the simplest Abit 6LX motherboard, with the Award BIOS detailed, accomodate a 20Gb drive. There - I've said, and I'm not ashamed (years of being stupid, don't you know!)!

Always strugglin' to keep up...