Upgrading Ram Problems

Is your memory not fully recognized? (Intel VX chipset Memory recognition)
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I'm trying to upgrade the ram I have in my pc from 2gb's to 4 gb's but when I try to add the new ram, the pc doesn't boot. It sits at the bios screen before even loading the CPU info..

My current ram is XM2x1024 5400C4, and the new ram is Valueseries OCZ26671024V.
My motherboard is Asus P5n-E SLI.

I've had a lot of issues with this when I tried it for the first time a while go. After adding the new ram, the PC wouldn't POST at all. I literally had to take everything out of the case and then boot while it was all sitting on my coffee table. I have no idea how I got it to work when I put it back in the case, but it now boots fine with the current ram, but still refuses to get past the CPU info on the BIOS screen.
There aren't any beeps when I try to boot.

Please help :(
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