How-to identify your motherboard ?
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I used the AMI BIOS utility to find out my board info and it gave me this:


and then it listed this info:

CPU type: Celeron
BIOS Rom size: 128KB
Manufacturer Code (0747): Not Detected
Product Tag=_TG_M747V5.0

I went to the numbers list and 0747 is not listed.

My problem is this. I have upgraded to WIN2000. I have fixed everything in the device manager except the display adapter. It shows SiS 6326 with a yellow exclamation point. ( I hate those :evil: ) And it also shows Video Controller (VGA Compatible) with a yellow Exclamation point. I have tried downloading every possible Windows 2000 device driver update and nothing works. In my display settings, I can only get 16 colors. My screen looks terrible! Someone said that my BIOS may need updating for WIN2000 Professional, but I don't know what model motherboard I have. Can you help?????
Good ol' Boy
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Location: Elgin, Texas

Looks like a PC Chips board....

Not sure that this will fix the problen though. You may have to disable the onboard video (if possible) and add it a card. Remeber to set your video to std vga before disable and updating the video card.
The UniFlasher
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Have you tried these drivers?
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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