Please do not criticize senior forum moderators and other respectable forum viewers. We aren't stuck to our PC's all day long... we do have a life, you know... so please allot a day or two for an answer next time.
This is just a warning. Other stricter forums could have banned you already.
onboard sound not in bios,not working
If your response had been no, we would have told you to clear the CMOS. When a BIOS is rewritten, the mapping of configuration information may be changed. If the CMOS is not cleared the old data may be interpreted incorrectly by the new BIOS resulting in symptoms from intermittent crashes, through various peripherals not working, to an apparently dead motherboard. I hope that clarifies things for you.studecember wrote:yes got checksum error ,if my response was no what would your answer have been
.....and if the Flash did not complete he would have ended up with a BIOS checksum error. As he doesn't get this message I think we can eliminate this possibility.watty wrote:it sound to me as though u had a bad flash in the past
during flashing did u receive the message or something like
'....not updated' refering to part of the flash process not being written
if so this could be the section that refers on onboard perifs
Well actually, I thought Rainbow was heading along sensible lines and I had two lawns to mow, a daughter to take to her swimming survival test, roast lunch to prepare, start getting the house in order for seven guests next weekend, go to Costco, get a new parasol for the garden, look for new patio furniture, jam with my son on electric guitar for an hour or so, read to my daughter, etc., etc. .... it's called life. We're not a commercial organisation, just a bunch of enthusiasts. We offer no service level agreement or guarantee and if you don't like it, you don't have to be here.studecember wrote:thanks for your response ,it would seem that 'rainbow' and other forum viewers are not as knowing as they think,due to the lack of responses and decent ideas.
That's what we are trying to establish, but we don't have an example of every board between us so we have to work from what's available:the pc was bought second hand so i don't know what happened in the past
if this had occurred surely it would happen again on reflashing.awardedit on loading oldbin file indicates that onboard sound/modem defaults are present.
but why is the enable/disable option not in the bios setup for either sound or modem
- - The BIOS which Rainbow has downloaded and examined
- Your description of what you've done (which is of necessity incomplete or we'd all be bored to tears, which is one reason why we sometimes ask what may seem like dumb questions).
- Past experience
- Intuition
Clearing the CMOS will clear all CMOS settings including the checksum. When the checksum error is detected, the factory default values will be loaded by the BIOS into CMOS. What you can do if using an Award flasher is use the /cc/cp/cd switches which will clear the CMOS, Plug'n'Play and DMI data (these last are held in the BIOS flash ROM itself) on flashing.? why should clrcmos still have default settings stored,how can i clear all values ,before reflash .
BTW, I haven't downloaded this BIOS to look at the options - as far as I'm concerned Rainbow's on the case (unless you've managed to offend him).
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- Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2003 6:41 pm
my apolopgies no offense was intended ,thank you to all in particular rainbow.
as you can guess my frustration was getting the better of me ,it should of course been directed at matsonic who just do not reply to emails
the biggest frustration is being wary of bad flashes and having a u/less mb
i reported this problem to the forum because it is such a strange one
once again i do appreciate everyones help
as you can guess my frustration was getting the better of me ,it should of course been directed at matsonic who just do not reply to emails
the biggest frustration is being wary of bad flashes and having a u/less mb
i reported this problem to the forum because it is such a strange one
once again i do appreciate everyones help