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SiS 5511/12/13 chipset based motherboards using Award BIOS IDs

On this page you can find a list of all Award BIOS IDs we have collected for the SiS 5511/12/13 chipset.

Award BIOS IDs for chipset: SiS 5511/12/13

Award BIOS ID Motherboard manufacturer and model
-2A5IDM4BC-00 Microstar ???
-2A5IDM49C-00 Microstar ???
2A5IDPA9C-00 Epox P55-SA
2A5IDA19C-6B Abit PH5
2A5IDC39 Chaintech
2A5IDA1FC Abit
2A5IDA19C-7D Abit PH5
2A5IDC39C-00 Chaintech 5SEM (PCB: M102)
2A5IDA19 Abit PH5
2A5IDA19C-9D Abit PH5 with *** SMC37C665IR, SMC37C665GT and SMC1665IR Super I/O chipsets. ****
2A5IDA19C-1E Abit PH5
2A5IDA1EC-9B Abit PH5
2A5IDA19C-2F Abit PH5
2A5IDB0BC-00 Biostar MB-8500SAC
2A5IDA19C-4D Abit PH5
2A5IDC3A Chaintech 5SEM
2A5IDA19C-4F Abit PH5
2A5IDC3AC-00 Chaintech 586SEM
2A5IDA19C-5C Abit PH5
2A5IDC3CC-00 Chaintech
01/03/02-SiS-551X-SMC665-2A5IDE19C-00 ECS (Elitegroup) SI55P AIO
01/07/97-SiS-551X-SMC665-2A5IDE19C-00 ECS (Elitegroup) SI55P AIO
01/23/96-SiS-551X-SMC665-2A5IDE1CC-00 ECS (Elitegroup) SI57P VIO
01/24/96-SiS-551X-SMC665-2A5IDE1AC-00 ECS (Elitegroup) SI56P AVIO
01/26/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDF2DC-00 Free Tech F56
01/27/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDS2BC-00 Soyo 5SV
01/27/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDS2BC-00 Soyo 5SW
02/08/96-SiS-551X-SMC665-2A5IDE1DC-00 ECS (Elitegroup) SI55P-AIO-MX
02/29/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDJ69C-00 Joss Technology JT586IV4
03/27/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDJ3AC-01 J-Bond PCI-500C-F
04/11/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDJ69C-00 Joss Technology JT586IV4 (PCB: UMC8669 ONLY)
04/19/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDA19C-D9 Abit PH5
04/19/96-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDA1CC-D6 Abit PH5
04/19/96-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDA1CC-D7 Abit PH5
04/22/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDAB9C-00 AOpen AP5S
04/24/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDA1EC-E0 Abit PH5
04/24/96-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDA1FC-D8 Abit PH5
05/02/96-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDD4AC-00 DFI G586SPA
05/03/96-SiS-551X-SMC665-2A5IDE19C-00 ECS (Elitegroup) SI55P AIO
05/17/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDS2BC-00 Soyo 5SM
06/14/96-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDD49C-00 DFI G586SP-AIO
06/14/96-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDD49C-00 DFI G586SP
06/25/97-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDABAC-00 AOpen AP5S
07/12/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDAB9C-00 AOpen AP5S
08/07/95-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDM49C-00 Microstar MS-5116
09/06/95-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDS99C-00 Spring Circle P5C01
09/10/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDAB9C-00 AOpen AP5S
11/03/95-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDF2CC-01 Free Tech F59
11/06/95-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDJ6AC-00 Joss Technology JT586IV4
11/13/96-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDAB9C-00 AOpen AP5S
11/21/95-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDF2CC-00 Free Tech F59
11/30/95-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDJ69C-00 Joss Technology JT586IV4
12/14/95-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDJ69C-00 Joss Technology JT586IV4
12/14/95-SiS-5511B-5513-2A5IDAN9C-00 ADI F5DX-SS
12/24/97-SiS-551x-UM8669-2A5IDM3BC-00 Mitac PB5400S
12/28/95-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDM49C-00 Microstar MS-5118/5122
12/28/95-SiS-5511-5513-2A5IDM4EC-00 Microstar MS-5124

SiS 5511/12/13 chipset based motherboard using freestyle Award BIOS IDs

SiS 5511/12/13 chipset based motherboard using freestyle Award BIOS IDs

Award BIOS ID Motherboard manufacturer and model
01/31/97-SiS-551X-SMC669-SC58PVIOC-00 ECS (Elitegroup) Action 5600 Series
05/05/98-SIS551X-PI-55SP4C-00 Asus P/I-P54SP4 (new)
06/26/96-SiS-551X-SMC669-SC58PVIOC-00 ECS (Elitegroup) SC58P VIO/S

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(Examples: how to update your BIOS, how to identify your motherboard)