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I haven't tested this procedure, so use this information at your own risk!
The following illustrates how to go from a "1.00.xx.CB0H"-type BIOS to a regular "1.00.xx.CB0"-BIOS. The extra letter means that it's an Intel motherboard sold to an OEM (in this case Vobis = "H").
Everything said here *should* also be applicable for other Intel motherboards (that use AMI BIOS) and other OEMs too. (e.g. going from 1.00.xx.BC0R to 1.00.xx.BC0)
The "1.00.xx.CB0"-BIOS was a BIOS developed by AMI for Intel's "endeavour"- motherboard (also known as "Advanced-E/V"-MB). I guess that VOBIS did slightly modify this BIOS and called the modified version "1.00.xx.CB0H". It's likely that the letter "H" stands for "HIGHSCREEN" which is labeled on all of their PC's.
This brought me to the conclusion, that I could use the regular AMI-version since my motherboard WAS an "endeavour"-board.
You can download the "1.00.xx.CB0"-BIOS-versions from Intel. There are the versions 02, 03, 04, 05 and 06 available.
If you try to use any of these versions, you get an error saying that "the data are corrupt or you are using a wrong BIOS". The problem is, that the BIOS-ID string of the Intel-Files is only 1.00.02.CB0 but your actual BIOS is 1.00.02.CB0H, so the upgrade-program denies the execution of the upgrade.
I did the following:
Up to now (3 weeks) everything works fine and my new 4.3GB-harddisk is recognized too(which was the reason for this trouble...).
Please note:
Go back to our BIOS FAQ.
(Examples: how to update your BIOS, how to identify your motherboard)
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